(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 19:59

ugh. for those that don't know, i have chosen to take at least a semester, if not a year off from schooling. i may take a couple of night classes here and there, but i won't be a full-time student. i'll basically be taking over my grandfather's lawncare business for the year, providing the necessary funds for when i do go to college.

that having been said, here's my rant for the people that have voiced their selfish opinion.

taking a year off is my decision. my decision. i'm not going to waste a year of my life in college if i don't know what i want to do with my life. there's no motivation to try. and yes, for the rest of you weak-minded people, it would be hard to go back to school after having a year without it, but our definitions of the word "hard" are very different. would you call it "hard" to get up at 3:30 every morning, go to work at a physically demanding job, go to school, have band rehersal, make time for important people, and a million other things? well i think it's an awesome way of life. if i was going to be lazy and sit around all day during this year, i could understand disagreeing with me. but i'm going to be doing twice as much with my life as all of you college folks.

so here's the deal: if you think i'm making bad decisions, trying thinking that with your mouth shut. ;)
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