Feb 19, 2008 21:09
That's the big question... I got the details of this job down. I feel pretty comfortable now. Sure I'll screw some things up, but I've moved beyond barely keeping up to spending most of my time working on ways to improve things. Which brings me to my sole worries.
Two men, we'll call one Gnome and the other Konkey. One works for me and the other thinks I work for him. I think both have their heart in the right place, but both are masters of smoke screens and drug deals to get what results they think are best. So when those results don't match the ones I'm getting, my fear is they'll simple run their smoke screen and do their drug deal, believing it's for the best of the mission. In the painful transition from Wild West to Civilization, I fear they'll see me as an obstacle.
Not sure how I'll deal with Gnome yet, but soon I get my shot at Konkey. Though I'm not as bad as I used to be, I've always been a confrontation dodger. So the question is, can I convince a guy like Konkey, a great operator, a skilled worker, that I'm not the clueless "wet behind the ears" captain that he's dealt with so many times before, and succeeded in spite of? Best I can be is myself, honest and direct, empathetic... I'll lay some simple boundaries that don't make him feel impeded or underutilized. Then he'll push those boundaries, I know he will, full smoke ahead. Then what? Sigh.
I'll plan out what I can say to him a million times before I see him, and when I do, I probably won't say a thing. I'll be lost in the smoke.
Maybe it won't be so bad. I hope not, 'cause I won't get any sleep until I solve this.