Fall is in the air...

Nov 22, 2005 16:33

... so don't look down.

Today, I've realized how much I love fall.

After school, ...and after being a friend's cabbie..., I drove myself to that wonderful place, that general term of affection that many a lucky person has, home. And what was the first thing that struck me while pulling into my family's driveway? A humongous leaf pile in the corner of our yard. And I mean... f'ing huge. About nine-to-ten feet long, four feet wide and three feet tall! I almost had a heart attack at the wheel! Once safely storing Vertigo in the garage, I immediately ran out to the front yard and, after properly thanking my mom for working so hard on raking up leaves, flung myself into the pile of crinkly leaves, becoming completely, totally, covered with them.

It was, in two words, the spiff.

I wish I could convey the wonder that is a fresh pile of crispy fall leaves through a simple sentence or, perhaps, a piece of poetry, but, alas, I would try in vain, for a pile of leaves is too wonderful, too complicatedly wonderful, to be described in a sentence... or a paragraph... or even a ten-page research paper.

If you haven't jumped in a pile of leaves yet this fall, believe me, you're missing out. You should rake your yard and invite me over. Leaf fights are extremely fun. :D Leaf fights and dancing in leaves. The amusement never ends... in fall.

I really wish I had something else to talk about, but, as you know, I tend to lose my capability to write in colder weather. Perhaps I'll post again this week. I'm praying that my laptop comes out of the ER alright. The doctor hasn't informed me of its progress, and I've become a little anxious again. If my laptop makes it out alive, I'm going to name it Clemira. Like "miracle," only off-centre. :D Or I'll name it my Hobo Desk. I'm not sure yet.

All I know is that ink blot tests are fun to make. I could spend all day making ink blot tests. Hooray paint and its magical properties!

That could be all.
Or it could not be.
You will never know.

"I've got a kinda-bad feeling about this."

P.S. Zach and I wrote this in Mythology today:
While Kyrilo the tanner
Does not live in a manor,
He strengthened his hold
And turned down the gold.
Proves fate is quite a good planner.
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