colors_tcg ☆
Colors Website ☆
colors_trade past logs
july 2011
→ Prizes
host club 26 - outsider18, demon07 [1013]
seiyuu guess 46 - mushi01, warrior12, rain01 [1015]
costume party 47 - archery12, shadow01 [1017]
between the lines 28 - turtle08, ghost07, nullify13 [1020]
conan's clues 49 - nun18, rubber12 [1022]
crazy colors 38 - timid11, dawn10 for bored04, unwritten14, truth06, captain11 [1024]
coloring book 15 - madcancer19 for apple02, jian03 [1026]
switch it up 28 - zura13 for sand15
→ Traded
dreams20, kid07, signature for healer16, illness09, signature with Lily [19/20]
peacock12 for pegasus08 with Nomi [20/20 - SKETCHPAD 32 FINISHED]
cheerful18, persocom09 for piano17, meganes16 with Siouxsie [02/20]
→ Art Shop
sketchpad 32 - dreadlocks19, erhu05, light19, taciturn03, crayon5 [1030]
→ Traded
anniversary18 for mako10, shujaa07 with Crystal [03/20] [1031]
shocking18 for onmyouji12 with Nomi [04/20]
fate02 for cetra05 with Abby [05/20]
television06 for precise19 with Britty [06/20]
→ Gifted
names09, naive15 to Britty [08/20] [1029]
→ Recycled Art - healer05/07/10/11/14 [1034]
→ Art Shop - crayon5 x 06 for kind01/02/06/07/16/17 [1040]
→ Traded
015, missdeep05, mameshiba12 for claw04, mask11, phantom10 with Ka-chan [09/20]
crusnik04/06 for jealousy11, octava06 with Blue [11/20]
→ Asobot Initiative 72) jealousy11 [1039]
→ Prizes
pick a color 25 - latvia10, maiden08, schwarzer05, sailorfuku18, waitress11 [1044]
pot of gold 10 - basketball08, 098817, contract07, enigmatic05, yo-yo14, goggles11, magatama05, demon05, kinkan14, kaminomimi12, funeral01, glass01, zephyr13, dote05, accurate12, eyeshadow04, peach05, ring05, adieu07, positive06, runner15, trance14, crayon5 [1066]
coloring book 15 - crayon5 for submissive03, siscon15, loveless14, drugs06 [1070]
conan's clues 50 - submissive06, swallow06, porn09, dog07 [1074]
graffiti 26 - fold01, frog04, directions18, understand08, cocteau03 [1077]
spare parts 43 - haicopy17, eldest01 [1079]
→ Mastered kind - 7thheaven03, idiot18, survivor16, crayon6 [1082]
→ Donated
maestro - starfish14, d-hero10, takatomon01, crayon6 [1085]
sister - misandry16, tristan03, knowledge01, crayon3 [1088]
→ Traded
lorelei04, mobile12, jian03, stubborn20, choker05/17, translator12, brain09, empathy01, littlekitty08, guide10, meister09/11, sensible07, yamato17, zephyr07, chimera17, xiii10, obsessed17 for achoo15, devour19, geika04, junk05, lionheart08, mamushi19, money03/09, monster13, oblivious16, obstinate09, onmyouji01, rookie14, speed01, spoiled16, squats04, twentyone09, typhoon08, valkyria05 with Blue [20/20 - SKETCHPAD 33 FINISHED] [10/20]
heights08 for warrior20 with John [11/20]
innocent04 for mako20 with Aletha [12/20]
celestial19 for blackharu06 with Kuri [13/20]
→ Gifted whisker11 from Twiggy [1089]
→ Prizes
crazy colors 39 - hunter01 for twinstar19, marriage01 [1090]
pokeradar 47 - cannon03 [1091]
pokeradar 48 - 2ndchild01, exactly12 [1093]
coloring book 15 - crayon5 for deny18, kerberous08, julia07, onigiri17 [1097]
Art Shop - crayon6 x 04 for signatures x 04 [1101]
Mod Pay - arcana19, eyes13, oni14, male19, contract07, advisor07, housework12, sunshine12, crayon3 [1109]
→ Gifted ariadoney15 to Zweilous [15/20] [1108]
→ Prizes
information exchange 21 - cannon03 for lemonade20, circus16 [1109]
→ Traded
antique04, monster13 for whisker12, suit05 with Kuri [16/20]
erhu07 for maiden04 with Rachel [17/20]
exactly12 for healer04 with Zags [18/20]
onmyouji12 for piano04 with Salt [19/20]
→ Recycled Art - achoo04, valkyria11/13/16, green16 [1114]
→ Prizes
beauty pageant 29 - ballerina16, pinkpearl18, soccer06, monster15 [1118]
crazy colors 39 - maiden08 for rise06, kaze05 [1120]
neku's music station 53 - beloved13, jellyfish03, masamune03, contests13, heaven01, guide06, crayon4 [1126]
→ Traded
idiot18 for reliability10 with Aletha [20/20 - SKETCHPAD 34 FINISHED]
squats04, twinstar19 for spear18, amnesia08 with Salt [02/20]
→ Traded
meister18, signature for future01, signature with Yun [04/20]
marriage01, kunlun10, vampire03, basketball08, sweden09, iceland20 for blackharu16, knit08, knowledge14, mako19, namekian11, heaven18 with Hitomi [10/20]
contract07, crayon4 for maiden11, crayon6 with Cassie [11/20]
→ Prizes
shadow watching 46 - doberman19, kaze13 [1128]
between the lines 29 - negi19, raven09, precise06 [1131]
host club 27 - tonkotsu02, caduceus03 [1133]
coloring book 16 - klutz20 for honor16, rabbit06 [1135]
→ Asobot Initiative 73-79) achoo04, amnesia08, beloved13, spear18, valkyria11/13/16 [1128]
→ Traded
honor16, runner15 for beloved12/17 with Lita [13/20]
raven09 for claw11 with Nomi [14/20]
→ Prizes
crazy colors 40 - tristan03 for drums15, innocent05 [1130]
spare parts 44 - novel01, kiyohime17 [1132]
guess the color 52 - reaper12, drums18 [1134]
→ Asobot Initiative 80-81) beloved12/17 [1132]
→ Release 015 - umbrella02, norway11, background10, quadra05, steiner04, wingzero20, deathscythe20, wait16, tanabata14 [1141]
→ Traded
umbrella02 for survivor20 with Kuri [15/20]
norway11 for whisker19 with Hitomi [16/20]
background10 for whisker17 with Zags [17/20]
quadra05 for wings08 with Cassidy [18/20]
steiner04 for contests20 with Kerry [19/20]
→ Received - loveless deck from AI [1161]
→ Prizes
conan's clues 51 - zangetsu19, bloodshot12 [1163]
coloring book 16 - lemonade20 for leo03, chief19 [1165]
pick a color 26 - badluck18, takatomon05, fragile10, paopufruit10 [1169]
quilting 01 - nonary04, shard16, admired02 [1172]
crazy colors 40 - takatomon01 for pendant05, boxer09 [1173]
neku's music station 54 - tomboy13, pulse18, cavalry12 [1176]
→ Recycled Art (Sundays) - achoo11, awaken17, hornet17, pegasus19, green08 [1181]
→ Mod Pay - shannaro16, bronco10, maschera13, viola16, crayon5 [1185]
→ Mastered loveless - bride05, psychotic08, survivor17, crayon6 [1188]
→ Traded
ballerina16, signature for scientist13, signature with Kristi [20/20 - SKETCHPAD 35 FINISHED] [01/20]
d-hero10, sand15 for piano05/20 with Zags [03/20]
adieu07, circus16, gakuran01/15, mechapilots10, ousaka08 for knit11, manager15/17, pegasus20, wait09, meganes12 with Lucathia [09/20]
hamha08 for wingzero16 with Elphie [10/20]
→ Gifted
sablier08 to Nerrin [11/20] [1187]
→ Traded
outsider18, delusions12, signature for deathscythe15, maiden05, signature with Nerrin [14/20]
→ Prizes
information exchange 21 - crayon4
seiyuu guess 48 - comnet09, ribbon08, soft03 [1190]
switch it up - directions18 for deathscythe18
→ Asobot Initiative 82-83) achoo11, hornet17 [1188]
→ Prizes
seiyuu guess 49 - sin20, whaleshark02, stern14 [1191]
beauty pageant 30 - barcode18, cynical06, dawn02, guardian13, amulet07, crayon7 [1196]
→ Traded
innocent05, pendant05 for reliability08/09 with Aletha [16/20]
→ Prizes
coloring book 16 - peace19 for gynoid16, gakuran16 [1197]
art lessons 59 - violin04, mako13 [1199]
costume party 50 - taijutsu15 [1200]
host club 28 - admired18, kiseru14 [1202]
guess the color 53 - shujin13, sukonbu17 [1204]
between the lines 30 - dogtags14, chui20, madamered09, realian10 [1208]
coloring book 17 - zangetsu19 for marshmallow06, music11 [1210]
→ Traded
warrior12, lion02/14, knightmare17, blacklynx13 for warrior10, literature15, blackharu02/20, illness13 with Kearin [20/20 - SKETCHPAD 36 FINISHED] [01/20]
inadequate15, housework12 for howling06/20 with Remus [03/20]
bride05, chui20 for abuse17, healer03 with Arianne [05/20]
signatures with Umi [06/20]
dogtags14 for green04 with Hitomi [07/20]
stern14 for onmyouji16 with Polly [08/20]
flaming02, flirt02 for sexta03, stars13 with Nuge [10/20]
loyalty16, oblivious16, pantheress14 for accurate03, regal10, tails18 with Aniki [13/20]
arcana19 for heaven02 with Mimi [14/20]
liberate15 for shujaa19 with Wolfie [15/20]
novel01 for bsaa05 with Akito [16/20]
→ Art Shop
sketchpad 33 - tears02, ratsbane05, trainer03, supporter12, crayon5 [1214]
sketchpad 34 - norway19, monta03, uncouth04, greece19, crayon6 [1218]
sketchpad 35 - ruby08, jewel09, recruit12, violin13, crayon5 [1222]
sketchpad 36 - over900006, scar09, exactly13, kodama08, crayon5 [1226]
crayon2 x 02 for warrior09/13 [1228]
crayon6 x 02 for maiden17/18 [1230]
crayon7 x 05 for literature01/03/04/05/07 [1235]
→ Mastered
signatures - tiger05, martillo02, france12, signature, crayon3 [1239]
→ Level Up lemon - cherry08, skater08, shattered13, survivor19, crayon1 [1244]
→ Art Studio - achoo15, junk05, lionheart08, loveless14, mamushi19, money03, money09, onmyouji01, onmyouji16, sukonbu17, twentyone09, valkyria05 for maiden03/09/10/14 [1236]
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