"The WASP FACTORY" - November/December 2013 Book Club Read

Nov 01, 2013 04:55

Hello, all!

This will be our official sticky post for our November read of Iain Banks's "THE WASP FACTORY." I'll be back to flesh it out properly when I'm not stuck in a room with just my tablet, but in the meantime feel free to add to the comments section if you've already started reading the book! As always I'll also set up threads for the Goodreaders among us.

Our post for "THE END OF ALICE" will of course remain up and active as well for everyone who read along with us last month.

Upcoming order of business: Voting on the coming months' reads! I'll be sure to have all of that posted here for you ASAP.

I'm psyched to read "THE WASP FACTORY" with everyone (despite NaNoWriMo likely kicking our backsides; maybe we should extend this one into December and set up our next vote for our January pick?) & will also be keeping an eye on the "...ALICE" post, to which I added my really long review in the comments section.

Happy reading!

book club discussions, goodreads group

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