Aug 13, 2003 16:23
I hate school. Everyone is gay. I have one friend and she's pretty cool. She is in most of my classes. Yeah. Here are all the classes:
Purple Day
Math- Teacher is loser. Really mean and really loud. Likes to pick on me when he knows I don't have the right answer.
DEAR- Same teacher. Gay.
Pride- GAY.
Drama- Heard it's fun.
Home Ec- Teacher wants us to decide on our immediate future right then. Gay. 8th graders in that class. Gay
Teal Day
Langauge Arts- Teacher is ass says I make her lose her patance. She looses her own patance. Is always in a bad mood because her 19 year old is pregnant. *hmm* She also likes to make fun of me because I sit in the corner.
Science- Phyco teacher likes to scare us my saying we are going to get severly burned and scared for life, or our eye is going to come out, were going to get sick if we eat the expiraments. I mean, come on, what kid of retard would eat a freaking frog lung.
Band- Teacher knows me as 'Erin O'Mara' Joey's little sister. Yelled at me to be quiet a couple of times. But I know people in there. So yeah.