May 17, 2003 21:41
It's 9:41 and Tera and I are eating BIG WET TERDS. Acully, they're more like big moist terds, but that doesn't matter. They smell like moist cabbage. Now that Tera has smached them into the plate...they look more like burnt panicakes. I clama this land for spain! I am going to get my machene gun and and blow the little terds to peaces! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got some big wet/moist/greasy terds to finish. A terd has just fallen down my shirt. Tera has spit milk out of her nose. She is now squshing the terds *sqush sqush* Erin is attempting to make the statur of liberty with the terds. Tera has made rabbit dropping out of the terds. the statue of liberty has fallen. Tera has now made a supposid smilie face out of the now droppings. Now that I have blown the terds to pieces...then I feel it neesasary to tell you there are terds all over the room. *sqush sqush* Tera is playing with her rabbit's poop. *sqush sqush* That is the worst sound. It will scare me for life. It appears that someone/something has gone to the bathroom on Tera's head. *sqush sqush* The terds are now eaten. If you want or go to