Jun 30, 2003 01:29
On Sunday I just wasn't in the mood to update. But anyway Sunday was a pretty good day. I spent the morning w/ Ed just chilling until we fell asleep. He had to leave at 11am but I slept in til 4pm. I HATE sleeping in that late. I wish I was like some of my friends that stay up that late, and then can wake up at noon. O well theres no reason to be pickey. Spencer dropped by for the first time in a long while. He was in Michigan for like 2 weeks. We went down to Cocco's and grabbed some food for dinner. Afterward we went in my house and sat online for a bit. We got bored so we decided to get the Barones for a lil BBall. We mostly played knockout and horse. That was fun. I decided to head in around 8pm cos me and Rob were gonna get some D2 action going but he didnt' come home til like 9 so we didnt' get to play. I talked to Meehan and Seth ont he phone from like 10pm til what is now 130am which was pretty cool. Seth just got back from Maryland so were def hanging out tomorrow.