Feb 28, 2005 09:44
vacations definitely need to be longer. im back at school today. haven't updated in a while but oh well. went to lana's house on saturday with Phil. fun times. met her friends Ian and Justin. they were spiffy i guess. so yeah. i have cheerleading today. but tomorrow. its kidnap time. oh yeah. i can't wait. lol. i told mommy dearest that i was gonna go to the mall and see a movie and stuff. she said that she'd think about it. but w/e. im going anyway. and if i have cheerleading i'll skip cuz there is really no point in practicing when there isn't that many games to cheer at left. i have a job interview today after school. i don't really feel like walking all the way up to the town hall and then to the library so im hoping that we have an early release so that i'll have to re-schedule it. blah. i think im gonna sleep in the library next period cuz i seem to keep waking up at 4am every day no matter what time i go to sleep. its really annoying me. i'll just wake up and be like WTF. and then i wont be able to get back to sleep. i hate it. i should get some sleeping pills or something. i need a new nickname for the volleyball marathon. cuz everyone else has really spiffy ones. does anyone have any suggestions??