Feb 09, 2005 10:33
so im wicked hyper right now. oooh nerds!!. its great. Phil's coming over to my dad's house today. i can't wait. we're gonna play clue and he's soo going down! i always win. he thinks that he can beat me. but he's soo wrong. rae beat me once. which was sad. getting my tips dyed red on saturday definately. i can't wait. its gonna look spiffy. phil thinks its gonna be "hot". lol. some one said the word "whatever" to me the other day and it reminded me of phil cuz whenever he wants to say whatever he says "w/e". which i say is his favorite word because he says it all the time. he such the opposite of maineboy alex. who hated the word whatever. hmm. As Tall As Lions is the nifty-est band. you all should check them out!!!!!!!!!
i hope this jon guy that lana met on myspace ends up asking her out cuz she really NEEDS a boyfriend. and they'd look so cute together!!