4 more years of Duchebag

Jan 07, 2006 00:42

i got called a duchebag twice today so maybe i am one, "GOD EDD HES SUCHA DUCHEBAG" "HE"S ALWAYS A BAG OF DUCHE" at least im better than senitor daterape.nowa days im wandering whats going threw peoples minds, what the fuck,
i took this knowledge of the bible test and i scored pretty high . i just put the most bizarr answers i could think of, thats the bible for you. not that im knocking it or anything but to quote Eddie izzard the bible is filled with some good ideas and some fucking weird ones,
and what is the deal with adult swim, i dont watch for a month and already it changed, like my friends. the people who were most close to me the past three months are now the people i am most distant from. not that i want to be its just soem one put dickhead, asshole, prick powder in their corn flakes,im just sick and tired of playing roulett with all these ass holes cause in the end its all about yourself. and that is what im doing im starting school in a couple of days new people new friends i guess trying to burry the mistakes of the past. not that everyone back home are ass holes just the people to whom i saw the most are .. the people who were actually there were the one's watching in the distance. i guess i take friendship more seriously because being at my fathers house reminded me of my past, i moved alot, i made best friends and then i lost them, over and over and over. i have always felt like chip douglas from the Cable Guy very annoying very clingy, the thing is, is i changed myself i stopped calling i stopped clinging i stopped being anoying and still i am cursed to loose friends. all i want is to moove on keep the people who are close now close and tell everyone else to fuck off. tommarow im going for a (pre)interview for Harley Davidson wish me luck.
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