May 11, 2004 04:17
Fucking LJ clean up time.
Anyone who DOES NOT COMMENT here WILL be removed.
If you want to stay on, comment.
If not, then don't bother commenting.
I don't care who you are, good friend or not.
Comment, or you'll be poofed.
The ones who have been removed and comment anyhow, will be reconsidered.
I'm sick of alot of people on here.
I'm sick of alot of drama.
I'm sick of people reading my shit.
I will probably end up going back to friends only for awhile.
I think alot of shit needs to settle before people are ready to read my enteries.
So, comment, or begone.
PS: YES, that means YOU JAY.
Comment, or go bye bye, biatch.
And anyone else who feels they hold an important space in my heart.