Mar 15, 2003 19:17
Yesterday was funny, I was walking home with my homies Dale and Keith. When we saw a large group of children in front of a porch with a mother and her child. The child on the porch was crying because the children in front of the porch were picking on him. bajaj. We all had a good laugh at that. You should have been there. Well I worked today, it sucked, it was busy and shit. I'm sore as fuck. I was lifting weights yesterday. I just recently started to make a real attempt at lifting. I mean serious lifting, not lift one day, and like 2 weeks later lift again. I lift twice a week, and i'm going to work up to 3 times a week. I'm gonna be a big fucking dude! >:o Well. Bigger than I am now. bajaj. The gathering is in Ohio, so I don't think i'm going. Unless I can get mad money and a ride. No matter what though, i'm going next year if I don't go this year. I have to have my homies at B6 that are going pick some shit up for me, and i'll send them money, I really want the Wizard of the Hood cd and Behind The Paint. Well, nothing more interesting to say, I have to work tomorrow to. Joy. Pauly is having a hard time with the new B6. So he has to start over. bajaj. Poor Pauly. :-*