New Zealand First and Winston Peters urge your support for the following policies:
- Reduced foreign ownership and control
I'm trying to figure out exactly what this means. Are they gonna kick out Shania Twain? Make damn sure
Serj can't get in?- Safer borders
Also interesting. Bump up naval patrols? Coast guard? I'm not being sarcastic, I'd like to know.
- Doubled police numbers
Sounds helpful to me. I'm sure my buddy would appreciate more cops (so long as they're good...)
- Seperated traffic police
Just seems like a no brainer. Is it necessary with the addition of so many officers as above?
- Raised drinking age
Silly IMO
- Preserving our natural heritage
Greens should appreciate that
- Ensuring public access to waterways and coast
Code for we helped pass the foreshore and seabed bill.
- Reduced immigration
Not new is it?
- Five years probation for new immigrants
Apparantly National's going for a softer version of this. Only four years...
- Keeping out bogus refugees and asylum seekers
Code for Ahmed Zaoui being treated "Leniently" (!)
- No Treaty gravy train
It seems all the parties except the Maori party are going for this one.
- A gold card of benefits
- Higher superannuation
- Lower medical costs
- Reduced rates, power and telephone charges
Nothing to say except it all sounds nice. But then, Winston and Grey Power always did get on so well.
- Free medical care for primary school children
Umm... Yes please?
- Reduced hospital waiting lists
- Higher minimum wage and youth rates
Also yes please?
- A universal student allowance
? I thought NZ First was nasty? They seem fairly generous if you can prove you belong here.
- Reduced student debt
- Help with home ownership
- Export incentives
- All petrol taxes spent on roads
- Less red tape
What sort of things are incentives?
- Reduced Paliament to 99 MPs
- Citizens referenda on important issues
I like both of these, particularly the referenda idea. At one point I was basing my decision on referenda and NZ First are the only party that go for it. Then I realised I was being an idiot.
Y'know, looking at the sort of things they want to do, I'm not surprised that they fell apart working with National last time and I'd expect them to fall apart with National again. They don't actually want a lot of the same things do they? Especially offering more services when National wants to cut services to fund taxcuts...