Nov 20, 2007 15:51
Got an email today. About some parts of the weekly updates that they were missing. And the two emails they'd sent to me about them. "I wonder if you got them. They did go somewhere." Well yes, they left your email program. Doesn't mean I saw hide nor hair of them.
Note that this email doesn't mention WHAT I'm missing. So I ask for details. The things they mention where sent in as a lump ont he 14th. I still had the sent email in the folder, could tell you time and quote the confirmed printed reply email.
So I sent all the exact stuff again.
I'm still working on my other dang assignment due Friday. I'm grateful the lecturers are all trying to scrape me through. I really am.
But geez, I don't think I'm meant to be a teacher. This isn't really what I'm meant to do.
I want to go write some more stories right now...