Jul 20, 2005 08:15
50 Random Questions - copy and repost with your answers!
1. Your name spelled backwards?
reltub ttocs
2. Where were your parents born?
Father in Salem, Oregon. Mother Somwhere in Los Altos, or Stanford
3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
um I guess a copy of some pinball game
4. What's your favorite restaurant?
Not Sure Have Many, Right now i guess Chiplotes
5. Last time you swam in a pool?
The Flood - youth group trip
6. Have u ever been in a school play?
Lots of times
7. How many kids do you want?
2 at most, maybe 1
8. Type of music you dislike most?
9. Are you registered to vote?
under 18 durf
10. Do you have cable?
Nope, but I sorta wanna
11. Have you ever ridden on a moped?
No, but one of these day i probally will
12. Ever prank called anybody?
Nope, but my friends did, and it was like crude
13. Best friends
I have/had some, I wish i could name names but i'll probally forget to put someone down
14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
I would say both, both seem very exciting, but for hecks sake, Sky Diving becuse I mean its tougher and scarier
15. Furthest place you ever traveled?
For now I would say It was Winsconson, but then I might o been farther
16. Do you have a garden?
I do, but its not mine it me mums
17. What's your favorite comic strip?
I dont have one, i read alot of good ones
18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
Yup even the extended lyrics/ words
19. Bath or Shower, morning or night?
Shower in the morning
20. Best movie you've seen in the past month?
Batman Beginings, just cause. But Then Exsecutive Desision (sorry bout the spelling)
21. Favorite pizza topping?
22. Chips or popcorn?
23. What color lipstick do you usually wear?
lipstick? i dont know
24. Have you ever peed somewhere besides the toilet?
weird ?, Yea who hasn't
25. Have you ever been in a talent show?
I kinda remember being in one or 3 or something
26. Orange Juice or apple?
Not sure both are good, but i'd say orange
27. Who was the last person you went out to dinner with and where did you dine?
my grandma, last week, chiplotes
28. Favorite type chocolate bar?
to many choices, not really picky, but i have to say snickers cause it has peanuts in it
29. When was the last time you voted at the polls?
Never have. but i wanna so i can kick these damn liberals out
31. Have you ever won a trophy?
Yea not a huge one but like a small one
32. Are you a good cook?
I am, but for some reason I dont cook much anymore
33. Do you know how to pump your own gas?
I think a 5 yr old can do that, meaning yea i can if i had a car
34. Ever order an article from an infomercial?
35. Sprite or 7-up?
Sprite, go coke products
36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work?
37. Last thing you bought at a Wallgreens?
long time ago since i last remember going, so i guess some kinda food or aloe vera
38. Ever thrown up in public?
i mighta when i was like in the hospital, or i did do it in public when i was way to young to remember
39. Would you prefer being a millionaire or find true love?
I dont know thats a toughie, I need money since this world runs on it, but i want true love. right now i cant have any g/f or girl due to my folks "Rules" so money so that i can get out of the house buy my own so that i can find the true lover, if there is one.
40. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do but no way it's happened w/ me. but then theres the point of not love but lust @ first sight which does happen, which is judging a book by its cover if you get what i mean.
41. Can ex’s be friends?
I guess so, If it was like they were friends before they fell in love, then yea, but the friendship may not be like the way it was before, it would be like some lets call it emotional/social distance, i cant really discribe it. W/ some people's cases i mean they can be, but then others not really.
42. Who was the last person you visited in a hospital?
My grandpa, but it was a convolesent/ recovery "hospital" in real hospital terms, not sure.
43. Did you have a lot of hair on your head as a baby?
yes and no, in some pics i found i did, and it was blonde, scary, but then others i had short.
44. What message is on your answering machine?
You have reached (number) im sorry but were not home right now so to leave a message for Mike press 1, for jill 2, for Daniel press 3, and for Scott press 4 to leave a fax press (number). ( my moms idea, since we have one of these multiple message machine things that allows you to have each person. w/ their own message block
45.What type of shoes do you wear most often?
Eather my Stanley boots (leather, not steel toe), or my grey(charcoal) skating vans.
46. What was the name of your first pet?
Piper (bird) which i dont remember having i was like 1 or 2 when she died.
47. What's in your backpack?
I had like 2 different backpacks, but im ny main one i had a binder, 2 notebooks, music, cds/player, duct tape, pens, pencils, graded papers, and some more junk
48. Favorite thing to do before bedtime???
Depends on what time i go to bed, Computer mostly, or radio, or reading.
49. What is one thing you are grateful for today?
getting up at my usual early morning time
50. What are you thinking about?
A lot of stuff, school next year, Life in general, friends, finshing HP 5 then going on to 6 when its avalible in my home, breakfast, lunch, what am i going to do today, is anybody going to read this entry, who am i in this world, music, my new/ old guitar, god, my church, this weeks plans, whats going to happen when my grandpa comes next week for his go to one of every baseball game, per team, stadium tour... him comming again the week after that for visit, my brother leaving for college.
Theres alot on my mind as you can tell, and then theres more.