Dec 29, 2005 23:46
so i found out why tawnee acts so bitchy all the time. tawnee is a waitress at my work, she had spell awhile back and she's a little off since then. she said it was from the meds they put her on, so we delt with it. her moods, her bitchy attitudes, her being unable to handle her tables like she used to. we put up with it all bc we thought it was her meds. finally, today she calls rita and says she can't work toady or for a month, she's talking a leave to see her father. her farther called and he needs to see her now, he's coming to get her. umm ok.werid story right? well, rita is just pissed, she's like what's the truth. are u too drunk to work this morning? rita hung up on her, repeatedly. i guess she couldn't take a hint. then tawnee's 15 year old daughter called and tried to cuss rita out, saying that the court ordered her mom to go to rehab. o! rehab, her daughter spilled the beans, looks like she didn't want to tell the truth of were she was going. turns out she has a serious drinking problem and the court is making her go to rehab for a month to get help. she's been getting shit faced before work and blaming her inability to work well on meds. how crappy. tawnee thought that rita would tell everyone. well, that pissed rita off, so she let the whole cat out of the bag. you don't piss off a redneck like her. she like, it's not like i told anyone when u went to rehab for your cocaine problem, or when u had to leave bc you had an abortion. holy fuck. i knew she left a few times last year for a month here, a week there, but i had no idea. no clue. i use to go to the bathroom and i would her like a sniff and she was in there. i knew she couldn't be doing it because she's in med. school, if she were popped she would be kicked out. laaaalaaa. so i asked her one day, do u do coke? no she said. well eventually i didn't see her in the bathroom. i had no idea she really was doing coke still and had to go to rehab. she once told me how her and exboyfriend did a bunch long ago. before her daughter was born. i guess she couldn't kick the habit. but i never knew about the abortion. that's just crazy. the secret lives people live. so i've been putting up with her attitudes for what? it's just crazy