Jun 09, 2004 01:22
a very sad thing has happened...alex young of landmark school on sunday ( 6-6-04) was found on monday morning at 2 AM in the water...DEAD...chris jackson....he is in the hospital right now....:( i feel sooo bad i didnt even know alex but i heard he was a cool kid and i probibly would have gotten to be good friends with him:-/ and chris...i hope hes going to be okay...i cant wait to see him...the funeral for alex is tomorrow and i am going...im going out of respect since i didnt accually know him (AND NO NOT TO GET OUT OF SCHOOL!) i was going to skip school cuz my IEP tomorrow but im going in just BECAUSE of the funeral....i hate ashley rapoza that fucking bitch...she went to pats funeral just to get out of school THAT FUCKING BITCH! arrrrggg....well....anyways im getting kinda tired im gonna go to bed now since i dont have to wake up still like...8 when people have to be in class :).....but....yeah...