Jun 11, 2004 23:00
Drew: bum bum bum
Me: dun dun dun
Me: lol
Me: what's up?
Me: I'm listening to one of my 3 new cd's that I got today
Me: lol
Me: it's really good so far
Drew: lol geeze
Me: I picked up Drowning Pool's Sinner, Static-X's Shadow Zone and the Punisher soundtrack
Drew: ...some people
Me: love music?
Drew: yep
Me: dang skippy
Me: I saw Brock and Jeremy driving down 13th in Jeremy's van today -- I assumed to go to Krystal's place and I imagine they are taking the stupid free salsa shit
Me: 'cause that sounds like something Krys would make them do
Drew: i think Brock is just spending the night at jeremy's but hes hangin out with Radke right now so i dunno
Me: ah
Me: I am going to see if Jeremy can possibly hang out with me tomorrow
Drew: nope
Me: lets see if I can even talk to him on the phone tomorrow
Me: figures
Drew: he has a party to go to
Me: I'm just going to stop calling people begging them to go and hang out
Me: fuck it
Me: every time I even attempt to, I'm told no
Me: I got the fucking cd's that I wanted
Me: so I guess I should just be happy enough to dwell in the life of my home
Drew: :-(
Me: every single fucking time I've tried to call Brock or Jeremy, they are never there
Me: so I can never talk to them
Me: so, they obviously don't want to hang, otherwise they'd take 5 minutes of time or less to call me and ask me
Me: I am so fucking bored...
Me: slept for "fun"
Me: to try to become un - bored earlier
Me: I didn't know Jeremy was having a birthday party tomorrow
Me: wasn't invited
Me: nothing new
Me: and you're busy doing whatever else
Me: so I guess I'll stop talking...