May 07, 2005 22:30
My neighbor that my dad had a few beers with last night stumbled his way out of our driveway and walked home next door. I guess he got to the top of the stairs and fell backwards, hit the door, and rolled down the remaining 6 or so stairs. (these stairs are very steep and shallow) His wife and father thought that he was acting very strange when he was calling them different names the next morning (today), so the father called my house this evening and explained everything to my mom who is a nurse. She said that in order for him to be incoherant like that and give them the wrong names, he either suffered a brain injury or a stroke and she told them to call an ambulance asap because a person cannot sustain a hangover for almost 24 hours. so the ambulances show up, and sure enough, as my mom predicted he suffered a head injury. We still don't know if he's okay, but the grandpa called our house and said that he was into surgery after the CT and MRI's came back. They're drilling to relieve pressure and there's no telling how much brain damage he has, or what part of the brain was injured. Hopefully he won't be hurt too badly to not be able to help raise his kid. My dad is feeling like shit right now.