Oct 05, 2006 01:15
So yea. This was a horrible day for me... for some reason. I had timess where every word was an argument with me. i was annoyed by that. So anyway yea i am tired now... and that reason will come next paragraph.
So yea we had a intramueral hockey game. We lost again so now we are 1-2. Thats ok though we played a lot better tonight. We played like a real team and not just a bunch of misfits like we are. And as of now after 3 games I have 3 Goals, 4 Assists, 7 Points, and 2 PIM. Thats pretty good for me so far. Over 2 points a game and under a penalty minute a game. So yea i had to just update. FUPA was a damn good team i was happy we kinda held our own. Yea they beat us decently but we were the first team they didnt bring into double digit score. So yea it wasnt to bad maybe next time we can catch them off guard or sumtin. Well we will keep getting better and maybe we can actually have over a 50-50 record.