Ah, yes, I have a third addition to my blonde and the love interest from a YA series harem. Yes Luke counts.
Peeta Mellark
- From The Hunger Games, in theaters now. Hopefully decent sequel coming in Fall 2013. It's also a book series.
- A baker's son who comes from District 12 in the future-USA known as Panem, a place where children have to fight to the death for the amusement of people in the capital city.
- Doesn't lead a charmed life, despite the fact he comes from the merchant class of District 12. His mother is physically and verbally abusive to both him and his brothers (who I have decided also have bread pun names) but he'd never complain to someone about it.
- Peeta is pretty much the nicest, sweetest guy on earth with a talent for baking, art and telling you what you want to hear.
- Seriously, the guy fits under the Guile Hero trope perfectly and if he were evil he'd be such a magnificent bastard. He's very good at reading people and gaining the trust of others. He's a good enough guy not to abuse that trust unless absolutely necessary.
- Has a pretty self-deprecating sense of humor so he'll be the first person to make a pita bread joke tyvm.
- Very much a non-action guy but wrestles pretty damn well. All that flour bag lifting, you know.
- Peeta is very much in control of his actions. When he does or says something it's very deliberate and it's rare for him to fly off the handle or jump into something without thinking (until I get to the Mockingjay portion of his canon, that is). That's not to say he doesn't get emotional, he's actually very open about what he's feeling, it's just that he won't get pissed and say things he doesn't mean. When he insults you (which is rare), he'll mean every word.
- Really does not like laziness and pessimism, but will acknowledge when something seems impossible. He'll try to overcome it anyway.
- And he will defend someone he cares about to the death. Yours or his. Preferably yours.
- Looks like Josh Hutcherson with blonde hair. Always with blonde hair despite what the icons might look like. He's a legohead but he won me over by being an irl Peeta
And he's a shorty--5'7" and won't get taller than 5'9" when he's fully grown. - He's 14, turning 15 in September and therefore has not gone through his canon.
- I have come to terms with the fact that I am obsessed with rewriting first person canons to tell the story of someone else.
Important: Some of you know who Peeta is and I'm fine with that. He looks different than the other Peeta but lbr, it won't be hard to put two and two together with that name and the obsessive knowledge of bread. I'd like to keep Catching Fire and Mockingjay under wraps especially but saying you've met him through Katniss is fine and he'll probably be all ~*~OMG SHE TALKS TO ME SOMEDAY~*~. Any other information...idk let's play it by ear and you can e-mail me.
Jace Wayland
- From The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. That hot mess of a movie coming your way Summer 2013.
- His real name isn't Jace, it's Jonathan Christopher. His real last name isn't Wayland either, but he doesn't know that.
- Is 15 years old and hails from Idris, which is a place that you most likely don't know about.
- Is extremely well read in books and poetry from like 100 years ago because according to Cassie Clare that's what makes someone a decent human being. Speaks a ton of different languages too. SWOON, DAMN YOU.
- Is really kind of an egotistical bitch and he tells you that it's charming but he's really just a huge asshole. It's okay, it's a cover for his brooding exterior (HIS PARENTS ARE DEAAAAAAAAD)
- Cassandra Clare really, really wants you to know that his eyes are tawny/golden/syrup colored for some reason. Never brown though, oh no. That's not sexy enough.
- Comes from a culture where humans (aka mundanes or mundies) are looked down upon so he will act like he's better than you. Downworlders (aka demons, fae, warlocks, vampires, werewolves, etc) will get the same treatment x 1000000000
- He's a Shadowhunter, which means it's his job to protect those helpless humans against big bad Downworlders.
- Being a Shadowhunter means Jace is faster, more agile, has more stamina and is stronger than normal humans. He can jump super high as well and is pretty talented with a blade. His additional angel blood (see below) and the fact that his "father" put him through harsh training means he's more talented than the average Shadowhunter (of course he is).
- He's part angel, all Shadowhunters are. He's actually more angel than allllllllll the rest because his mother's womb was directly injected with angel blood when Jace was in there. I am, sadly, completely serious.
- Jace can sense supernatural stuff but he won't be able to pinpoint what you are exactly without a few hints.
- Jace is covered with light scars all over his arms chest and back from carving runes into himself as protections in battle. There's a few that are darker and look more like actual tattoos and those are located on his chest, shoulder and the back of his hand. Then he's also got a star shaped birthmark on the back of his shoulder, which is something of a stupid plot point later on, which is why I mentioned it.
- I mentioned he's an asshole, right? HIS DAD KILLED HIS PET BIRD AND THEN GOT MURDERED, JACE HAS ANGST AND MUST COVER IT BY BEING VERBALLY ABUSIVE. I just...even if he finds you the most fantastic person in the world? He's gonna treat you like shit.
- But if you do get to be that .1% that does manage to get under his skin he becomes super possessive creepy loyal. Let's go with loyal. And then he'll try to push you away 'cause OMG ATTACHMENTS ARE THE DEATH OF EVERYONE.
Luke Castellan
- From the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan. Hot mess of a sequel coming in Spring 2013.
- Is a demigod, a son of Hermes and a crazyflakes mortal by the name of May
- This comes with powers that are listed here
- And yes he comes with winged shoes like daddy.
- Has ADHD and dyslexia due to the demigod thing so he's kind of terrible when it comes to school.
- Is technically 23, but has only seen 19 of those years and if you ask what age he is he'll likely switch the subject abruptly.
- Extremely good with a sword and I don't even mean that in a dirty way but I guess it could apply to either.
- He has a scar that takes up half his face and he'll never not be slightly self-conscious about it.
- Has wings tattooed to either side of his ankles.
- Is very egotistical and kind of a jerk, but it's kind of charming.
- Ridiculously in love with that Percy Jackson fellow and they're sort of kind of back together again yaaaaaaaaay.
- Killed himself to save the world. It's okay he came back.
- But can't go back to his own world and to the people he considered family so he gets mopey about that on occasion.
- He has a scar on his side from where he stabbed himself.
- But it can only be seen if you are checking him out while he has his shirt off and that's not likely to happen unless you want that Percy Jackson fellow to drown you.
- Kinda doesn't know what to do with himself anymore now that he's a retired hero. So you know those eps of HIMYM where Marshall didn't have a job so he just bothered people by asking what they were doing? That's him.
- I'm Sam. I'm 24 and I am old.
- I live in Maryland with my dad. This is sad.
- I have a job which whisks me away from my laptop from 3:00 EST until 11:30. I am around before and after and even during since I have a tablet with online access but I won't ping until my boss leaves between 5 and 6 EST.
- But I am always up for SP. I tend to TD if it's something like a common room thread and I'm about to leave for 8 hours 'cause I think I'm a bother after that but if you want to keep it going by all means let me know.
- You can reach me at fh.geek@gmail.com 'cause I am never on AIM anymore due to my wonky hours and my habit of wandering away in the middle of conversations.
- I don't think you understand how much time and money I'm gonna have to put in watching movies for my characters in 2013. I didn't even include the movies the actors are gonna be in this year and next year outside of their respective series (Magic Mike hollaaaaaaaa).