Bored at 3AM.

Nov 28, 2005 03:08

What is your name?: Jeff

Are you named after anyone?: Uhh, my middle name was derived from my grandfather. the one i never met.

What's your screename?: ToBreakYourSky

Would you name a child of yours after you?: I don't even want to think about having kids. But no, probably not.

If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Christ, I don't know.

If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: Probably Trey. Even though he's a lemonface piece of shit (haha, no seriously bro stop sucking lemons, it makes you look like a puss. douchebag. <3)

Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: people that call me "geoff" usually don't live to tell about it. i'm not british, assho'.

Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: I plan on changing it back to my old one already, famous or not.

Your gender:: Peen-bearing.

Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight.

Single?: nope!

If not, do you want to be?: nah, i loves my baby.

Birthdate:: 10/27/86

Your age:: 19

Age you act:: i'd say 19. ahaha.

Age you wish you were:: i wanna be 14 again. go back to when nothing mattered...when everything was okay, when i still had some semblance of innocence and i had ample reasons to smile.

Your height:: 5'11

Eye color:: dark/light brown. changes with my mood.

Happy with it?: eh, i guess. sometimes i wonder if i'd look creepy with another color.

Hair color:: dark brown.

Happy with it?: i wish it wasn't curly sometimes. but the lady who cut my hair left kept telling me people would kill for my hair, and that people get perms to have hair like mine...maybe she was just trying to get a tip.

Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: righty.

Your living arrangement:: with my parent(s)....(one doesn't count so much nowadays, but we won't get into that.)

Your family:: mom, my 2 sisters, and i supposedly have this dad or something, but he acts like my sisters and i don't exist, so.

Have any pets?: nope =..

Whats your job?: professional slacker. part-time guitar instructor. full-time student.

Piercings?: just my left earlobe (1998 never ended for me, or something.)

Tattoos?: none.

Obsessions?: music, zombie movies, smelling good

Do you speak another language?: nah. very, very little spanish and an even smaller amount of polish.

Have a favorite quote?: If I listed all of them, we'd be here forever. But at the moment it's: "We shall not cease from exploring. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the first time." - T.S. Elliot (if you don't get it, think of it this way. if we truly explore, -and that means all things, not just land-, by the time we get back point A, it'll be a new place because of all we discover.)

Do you have a webpage?: just my myspace.

::::::::Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it:::::::::::::::::

Do you live in the moment?: alot of the time. it gets me into trouble alot, too.

Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: for the most part. i tolerate alot of people. doesn't mean i like them, though.

Do you have any secrets?: who doesn't?

Do you hate yourself?: nah, i'm pretty much totally fucking awesome.

Do you like your handwriting?: nah, it's pretty bad. ahaha.

Do you have any bad habits?: sure do.

If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: "Dude! Bro! YES!"

What's your biggest fear?: being honestly, truly alone.

Can you sing?: i have a very modern rock-esque voice when i do. ahaha. other than that my death growl skills are mighty fine.

Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: no, and even so, who the fuck would admit that?

Are you a loner?: it seems that way sometimes.

What are your priorities in life?: school, girlfriend, finding a damn job

If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: yeah, and i'd probably try to get in my pants, too. mmmm.

Are you a daredevil?: i used to do all sorts of crazy shit.

Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: my total lack of motivation. it's gonna ruin my damn life, man.

Are you passive or agressive?: depends on the situation

Do you have a journal?: my livejournal.

What is your greatest strength and weakness?: i'm very good at self-restoring...i can get back on my feet no matter what happens. weakness? as cliche as it sounds, i care too damn much.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: though i don't care so much, i'd like to know what it's like to not be a total fatty.

Do you think you are emotionally strong?: before this year, i don't think so. now i'm a fucking rock.

Do you think life has been good so far?: in many ways, yes. but in many ways, no. it could definatly have been worse, though.

What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: you've only got one chance at this shit. take chances. put a smile on your face. don't be stupid. don't let other people walk all over you. FOLLOW YOUR HEART NO MATTER WHAT THE COST.

What do you like the most about your body?: ahaha. i dunno. my beard's pretty sweet. ahaha. and my shoulders are broad as fuck. oh and shitttt, my dick big. ahahahaha.

And least?: my overabundance of tummy.

Do you think you are good looking?: not really, no.

Are you confident?: in many ways.

What is the fictional character you are most like?: uh. walter sobchak.

Are you perceived wrongly?: people mistake my kindness for weakness alot. ...don't do that.

:::::::::::::::::::::::Do You...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

Smoke?: i spark the occasional clove. but no real cigarette habit, that shit'll kill you.

Do drugs?: nah. i was done with that in highschool.

Read the newspaper?: i have to. i'm a journalist.

Pray?: nope.

Go to church?: only on christmas eve before we go to my grandparents'.

Talk to strangers who IM you?: if they seem interesting.

Sleep with stuffed animals?: nah, but i do cuddle my pillow sometimes. i'm cute or something.

Take walks in the rain?: nope. i hate getting wet when it's not what i set out to do.

Talk to people even though you hate them?: nah. people i hate don't exist in my world. i ignore 'em.

Drive?: not legally? ahaha.

Like to drive fast?: YOU drive fast without any sort of paperwork saying you can do so legally. ahaha.

:::::::::::::::::::::Would or Have You Ever?::::::::::::::::::

Liked your voice?: i don't. but everyone says it's "original".

Hurt yourself?: yes.

Been out of the country?: nope.

Eaten something that made other people sick?: pizza hut. freshman year. who put pudding on thin crust pizza on a bet? me. who ate it? me. booyah.

Been in love?: i have.

Done drugs?: highschool happens. oops. never again, though.

Gone skinny dipping?: no.

Had a medical emergency?: alot. ahaha.

Had surgery?: yup.

Ran away from home?: sort of.

Played strip poker?: ahaha no way. mad insecure.

Gotten beaten up?: yeah. and i deserved it, too.

Beaten someone up?: oh my yes.

Been picked on?: right up till highschool. then it died down alot. that is, after i beat the shit out of and hospitalized this kid who talked trash about me and my deceased father. then word spread i was nothing to fuck with, ahaha. and that was the first real fight i was ever in. ahaha.

Been on stage?: i have.

Slept outdoors?: indeed.

Thought about suicide?: that stage of my life is long over. and i'm not going back.

Pulled an all nighter?: all the damn time

If yes, what is your record?: a little bit under a week. i damn near went insane. hallucinated and shit. it was like tripping on acid.

Gone one day without food?: i went a week (SHOCK!) without food. depression does funny shit to you.

Talked on the phone all night?: i have. aw man i miss that.

Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: yes. ...once. ahahaha.

Slept all day?: aw man that's my shit right there.

Killed someone?: pfft all the damn time. i'm killing someone right now. yup.

Made out with a stranger?: i have.

Had sex with a stranger?: sort of. ...hey i knew her name. ...and forgot it after. SHUTUP I WAS LONELY.

Thought you're going crazy?: every hour or so.

Kissed the same sex?: my bandmates kissed me all in the same day, but it wasn't sexy. ahaha. we're so gay.

Done anything sexual with the same sex?: no way. i hate dudes.

Been betrayed?: more than i'd like to remember

Had a dream that came true?: a couple.

Broken the law?: i have.

Met a famous person?: i have.

Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: haha, yeah. poor squirrel. man i felt like a shitbag.

On purpose?: i kicked a dog in the throat and knocked it out. it was attacking me.

Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: yeah, but they were endangering themselves. it was for the best.

Stolen anything?: i have.

Been on radio/tv?: both, yes.

Been in a mosh-pit?: what the fuck is that? mosh...pit. ...ahahaha. SICK MOSH BRAH.

Had a nervous breakdown?: three that i remember.

Bungee jumped?: no, but damn i wanna.

Had a dream that kept coming back?: when i was younger


Belive in life on other planets?: it's dumb to think that we're the only life in a universe that's neverending. if it can happen here, it can happen elsewhere.

Miracles?: somewhat.

Astrology?: mmhmm

Magic?: not really.

God?: not necessarily.

Satan?: see above.

Santa?: parents ruined that when i saw them bringing down bags of presents when i was like 6 or 7, i think. then i put the pieces together. WE DIDN'T HAVE A DAMN CHIMNEY OR FIREPLACE! at least not till like 3 years ago when we got one installed.

Ghosts?: i do, yeah.

Luck?: mmhmm

Love at first sight?: that'd be lust, champ.

Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: yep

Witches?: uh, sort of? in the wicca sense, i guess. not the whole "cackle! lol i ride a broomstick!" kind, though.

Easter bunny?: bunnies can't carry baskets.

Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: to what? a person, i guess, in the literal, physical sense. mentally, no. everyone thinks about bumpin' uglies with someone else.

Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: no, but now i want lucky charms.

Do you wish on stars?: indeed

::::::::::::::::Deep Theological Questions:::::::::::::::::

Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: if there IS a hell, i think it would be whatever you make of it. not a fire and brimstone deal.

Do you think God has a gender?: chuck norris is a male.

Do you believe in organized religion?: i know it exists, haha. but i think it's pretty much a joke.

Where do you think we go when we die?: underground. or in an urn.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::Love and All That:::::::::::::::::::::

Do you consider love a mistake?: real love is never a mistake. if it falls apart, it's not a mistake to have's a learning experience.

Turn-on?: nice eyes. ...big booty. ahaha.

Turn-off?: arrogance. shallowness. pettiness. ditzes. sluts. liars. cheaters. the list continues.

First kiss?: a game of truth or dare in gradeschool. other than that, my first real kiss was sage.

If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: i'd feel flattered if they were cool, and feel bad for rejecting them. but i'd be creeped out if they weren't cool and i'd be like "nahhhh. bye."

Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them: yes.

Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out?: my god yes.

Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: i have. but i always find SOMETHING physically unattractive. i mean think about it. have you EVER said "damn, my lover is a fucking gremlin."?

Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: my girlfriend thinks i'm hot. ahaha. other than that i doubt it.

What is best about the opposite sex?: compassion?

What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: those emotionally manipulative ones suck.

What's the last present someone gave you?: the late birthday card i got from my aunt on wednesday.

Do you consider your significant other hot?: i sure do. my baby's bangin, ahaha.

:::::::::::::::::Who Was the Last Person...:::::::::::::::::::::::::

That haunted you?: uh, ghosty mcghost?

You wanted to kill?: fuck, i don't know.

That you laughed at?: Kevin.

That laughed at you?: John, probably.

That turned you on?: ahaha, Kara.

You went shopping with?: uhh...myself.

That broke your heart?: Sara.

To disappoint you?: I don't know.

To ask you out?: Alyssa, back in 7th grade when she asked me back out. since then i've done all the asking out.

To make you cry?: myself, i got all stupid.

To brighten up your day?: kara.

That you thought about?: i dunno. since you're reading this, you?

You saw a movie with?: in an actual theater? toby and noa. just in general? kara.

You talked to on the phone?: kara

You talked to through IM?: kevin

You saw?: kristen

You lost?: jesus, apparantly. the jehova's witness that called yesterday asked me if i've found him yet.

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Right This Moment...:::::::::::::::::::::::

Are you going out?: at 3AM? nah.

Will it be with your significant other?: i just said no, fuckbag.

Or some random person?: GET OVER IT

What are you wearing right now?: with dead hands rising shirt, jammiepants.

Body part you're touching right now: my peen, duh.

What are you worried about right now?: college. my presentation on tuesday.

What book are you reading?: High Fidelity by Nick Hornby (best book I've read in a longggg time), Four Quartets by T.S. Elliot, and stories from Literature Riffs.

What's on your mousepad?: it's a gimp-ass volleyball

Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: i am really thirsty now.

Are you bored?: ye verily.

Are you tired?: sorta.

Are you talking to anyone online?: not at the moment

Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: nope

Are you lonely or content?: little bit of both.

Are you listening to music?: yup. Mikoto.
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