Oct 09, 2010 12:56
Astrology is bullshit. Putting your faith in astrology is literally putting your faith into the stars, and to trust we are all controlled by something greater in the neverending cosmos brings forth the question: why bother? If it was already written, why try and defy the changes, events, and outcomes so carved into our futures? Why attempt to defy our life's course, if there's no way to paddle against such a strong current? Which makes me wonder, what can we do to modify our futures in a way *we* want them to be altered? What *can* we do? School? Learning? Dedication? Persistance? But you can only learn so much of the tide, and be so dedicated to battling the current before you tire, that we find ourselves right back at the original question. Can any amount of learned dedication, so persistantly applied have any effect on our (here goes..) destinies? Sometimes I hope so.