Went and saw Beverly Mahood in concert tonight. 'Twas okay. I haven't heard any of her music in at least a year, so it was nice to listen to her again. She's an excellent singer. I get the feeling that she's a tad bit full of herself though, lol.
I was the only person in the theatre alone, as usual, lol. I was gonna ask my friend Lorena, but, well, I forgot. :P Of course, she's into Metal, so I doubt she would've wanted to come anyway. On the upside, nobody I knew was there, so it wasn't as mortifying to sit by myself. :D
I'm downloading Photoshop 7 right now. I'm tired of not having a good program. One day when I have money, I'll actually buy a copy, but until then...$600 program for free. I'm a terrible person, lol. Maybe it'll even out, though. The program might come with a virus. :P
In other news, I hate my hair. I ought to chop it all off. Except then my many chins would be even more noticeable. Guess a frizzball is better than looking like Jabba the Hut (or however the heck you spell it).
http://www.invisiblechildren.com/home.php Go there. Click on Global Night Commute.If you're in one of the listed cities, JOIN. It's a damned good cause and not enough people know about it.
I'm outtie.