Oct 19, 2007 09:30
about to sit through my midterm presentation for portfolio 2, i am fairly confident that i have a decent presentation... i am so glad to have only two classes left. they are still much work despite being few in number, however. i have already done 56 small paintings for the midterm, but we have to display our work via powerpoint, so the presence is a bit lost. oh well, as long as it ends soon.
recently in the otherworlds....
the Seraphym are planning to return to their deserted home planet with the hopes that the structures that were left after the death of the people will still be usable. Mephistis it was decided would head the expedition, since he is the most qualified to take over the position of kingship due to his long stint as the kings adviser.
meanwhile the new found knowledge and the ability to test the specific evolutionary place of specific Demons is rocking the foundation of the council as more and more of the Elder Demons are found to not be demons at all, but rather Changelings (the evolutionary place between Demon and Seraphym)