Jun 24, 2003 14:12
And I am very upset about this...Very very upset. If you are familiar with JSlayerUk's LJ you will be aware of MBH 2003. If not I refer you to her explanation of the Major Book Heist 2003, because to be perfectly honest I can't be bothered to write it all out again...
So they stole our yearbooks back from the Evil Bitch Monster of Death and they are being held in secure locations all over the place. I was expecting that someone - naming no names - may have had the decency to keep one for me and the rest of the cupboard members BUT NO!!! I have had to organise a very long chain of 'possibly's to even get the chance of maybe getting a yearbook. Is that fair I ask you? Of course its NOT.
In happier news the nasty people at the Home and Gardens Fair at Olympia are going to get a shock on friday when Dana and I turn up with tickets for thursday...Thats right we have tickets for thursday but because we are unable to go on thursday and when I tried to change them I was quoted phrases such as 'un-refundable' and 'non-transferable' we decided to put it on the organisers head... We told them it was their fault and are now going on friday whether they like it or not. HA! hahahaha!
In other news Greg Rusedski is through to the next round of Wimbledon to face Andy Roddick. Not particularly happy about that since the last time they met (One game ago for Rusedski) Roddick beat Greg. Hmmmmmm. Tim Henman is currently playing his usual 'I'm not going to let on whether I can play or not until the end' type of game and thoroughly annoying the hell out of me.