Apparently, everyone goes to Bromley on Friday the 13th.

Feb 13, 2009 17:04

Probably they're all looking for presents for their loved ones. Or their currently liked ones. Or what ever. Or it's half term. Anyway Bromley was busy today. It'll probably be just as busy tomorrow, since tomorrow is a Saturday. And yet for some reason, I am still going to Bromley...

Yesterday I received scented popcorn through the post.

Nothing bad has happened today (it happened yesterday instead) and I my father has been playing with a jig-saw all morning (making a handle for the shed, YAY!). So Friday the 13th's bad mojo can kiss my arse because today has been a good day. Although I'm somewhat sleepy. I bought my skirt, and it is very pretty - although it's a size 8 and therefore a smidgen too big around the waist for me (I know, waaaaah) but because it has a sash type feature I can put a little fold in the material after I do up the zip and the sash keeps it in place. I may try to fix the waist band by putting a tuck in but not until I've seen what it's like wearing it for a whole day. However if I keep buying cream cakes when I go to Sainsbury's Bromley, I may not have to...

I have to stop buying books. Given, I generally only do it when they're a bargain - For example this book for 10p from my library (I love my library), or this one from The Works in Bromley for £3.99, in the same shop they had this Joanne Harris compilation for £3.99 which I bought ages ago, and for the same price they're also selling this Janet Evanovich book, which I've read but only once, and the library doesn't seem to have it any more so I kind of want it. I'm having a hard time finding room on my shelves for all the books I have at the moment - I don't have room for more! My Terry Pratchett shelf is full to bursting, and I'm still missing around 10 Discworld novels, not to mention the other books that he's written that I haven't got my hands on yet. It doesn't help that I have so little storage in my room that my bookshelves are also the place where dozens of little bits of clutter end up, and the fact that the bottom shelf has so many heavy hardback books on it that it's started to bend (it's the only one with a big gap between it and the next shelf so it has all the huge reference books that I've kept and all the things like Explorers and Exploration, and London From Above that are really tall books in hardback) and there are half a dozen things piled up that I don't dare put back on that shelf. *sigh* I need more shelves.

OK, enough rambling for the minute. I'll probably be back later for another ramble, although since I actually have things on my to-do list - learn lines, do publicity, figure out what sort of food matches a comic book party (any ideas?), that sort of thing, I might not. I might be too busy compiling lists!

1. What is your name : Jennie.
2. A four letter word : Junk.
3. A boy's name : James.
4. A girl's name : Juliette.
5. An occupation : Joiner.
6. A colour : Jade.
7. Something you'll wear : Jersey silk (I love that material, it's awesome, but so expensive!).
9. A food : Jelly Beans! (As in, jelly beans are a sometimes food.)
10. Something found in the bathroom: Jacuzzi. (Well, sometimes!)
11. A place : Jakarta.
12. A reason for being late : Jump leads (as in, I needed them and couldn't find any).
13. Something you'd shout : Jerk.
14. A movie title : Jurassic Park.
15. Something you'd drink : Juice.
16. A musical group : Jet.
17. An animal : Jackal.
18. A street name : Jevington Way. It exists. Honest, it's just down the road from me!
19. A type of car : Jaguar!
20. The title of a song : Joshua.

books, can you tell i'm bored yet?, cpp, dg - style consultant..., plans

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