phlump And I want to hear from you no matter what our relationship is at the moment. Oooh, and then you have to post this in your journal. I don't mind if you don't though!
34 questions. It would appear that there are supposed to be 36 but 26 and 34 went AWOL... )
2) Professional footballer.
3) Enough talent to play an instrument well.
4) Lager. Any will do!
5) Potato.
6) Going Postal- Terry Pratchett
7) Yes.
8) Nope
9) Belching.
10) No. I can't drive.
11) Football.
12) Negative.
13) Tell a joke. A bad one, probably.
14) Erm... Parental bollocks.
15) Erm, I think you know them all, but still... I have an area under my chin that, if you touch it, I hiccup. Without fail. Makes shaving a barrel of laughs, let me tell you.
16) Nope.
17) What of it? I'd invite you in and offer you a drink, probably. Then ask what the hell you're doing here!
18) O_O omgfittage!
19) Scary. Of the two.
20) Oh dear, only the one? Not fair. Erm, probably my nose.
21) Conscience
22) Blue/grey/green/depends on what colour I'm wearing/what the weather's like.
23) Nope.
24) Cinema, dinner, pub.
25) Nothing, probably.
26) Home.
27) No.
28) Sleep. Pretty much all I have time for! That and play football.
29) Yes.
30) Stupid people.
31) Easy-going. (It's one word, damnit!)
32) Yes.
33) Not God, but a higher power of some description, yes.
34) Been there, done that. (T-shirt? Hmm... something to investigate...)
Did you really make that face the first time you saw me? *amazed*
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