Title: Pretty Vacant
Pairing(s): Mitchell/Herrick (ish)
Rating: PG 13
Disclaimer: They're not mine, they're Toby Whithouse's
Warnings: None
Summary: Mitchell and Herrick in the 70s
Herrick had found the girl in an art gallery, of all places, and brought her back to the hotel for Mitchell. She was a peace offering; the only reason he was in an art gallery at all, on a Sunday afternoon, was that he and Mitchell had been sniping and snarling at each other all weekend, and he needed to get away, to think before he said something he’d really regret. So he’d left Mitchell sprawled on the bed, sulking and smoking and listening to that new Sex Pistols single over and over again (which is one of the things that’s been grating on Herrick, Mitchell’s sudden enthusiasm for this new fad. It’s just so... so vulgar, so unworthy of a vampire. And the clothes! Mitchell looks pretty good in most things, but Herrick had laughed out loud the first time he saw him in bondage trousers- although all those chains and straps and zips do have their uses). Sometimes he wonders if Mitchell will ever grow up.
“So,” he asks later on, “did you enjoy your present?” And Mitchell smiles, drowsy and sated, and pulls Herrick closer. “Thankyou,” he mumbles, the word half lost into Herrick’s chest, and then he sleeps while Herrick lies quietly, breathing in the smell of satisfaction that rises off Mitchell’s skin. He wonders, idly, what they’ll do about the dead girl in the bath.