This is a textures post!

Aug 01, 2010 14:46

I cannot believe it's been almost 2 years since my last textures post. I guess I have to blame my uninspiredness and my busy life for that. Mostly my uninspiredness, though.
Aaanyway, here is a pretty messy and unorganized bunch of 28 textures.

Previews of all textures, individual links aaaand a zip file are behind the cut!

zip file

medium sized
(click on the preview for full-size version)

icon sized

b/w medium sized
(click on the preview for full-size version)

[*] Comment. I'd love to hear what you think!
[*] Credit is nice but not required.
[*] Watch distractiions for updates!
[*] Let me know if anything doesn't work/needs to be reuploaded!
[*] Not for commercial use!
[*] Enjoy!

!shoqolad, resources: textures

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