Jan 04, 2006 22:01
Jessica Ooley is way cooler than anyone on my friend's list.........cept Ashley Tunon, cause well...it's Ashley Mother Fuckin Tunon. Seriously though, remember that cute little pnk rock girl i was dating for about 7 months and fell in love with ever since? Well, I was missing her by far the most I ever have in my life, and wellllll, i wrote a note and she drew me a picture of stick-tony and stick-jess holding haaands, but i'm dumb and i said, "AWWWW! who's that?" so she pulled me close and said "I want you back too" =] I felt really dumb, but it was quickly overcome by a strong sensation of happyness, like when we first went out.
I missed ya kid, I missed ya a lot.
making like a fetus and getting out of this mother,
♥ Fattony ♥