May 23, 2004 11:57
I dont have the measles. I have the chicken pox. They thought I had the measles cuz the spots werent itchy but now they are as itchy as hell. I want to die. My face is unbearable. It wouldnt be as bad if my face wasnt covered in fucking spots. I just want to hide away. I have an office applications exam tomorrow morning. Hooray. Or not. I am going to go into school about 10 minutes before the exam starts and then make a hasty exit as soon as I am done. sorry friends. I'm not stopping for a little chat. I have my german listening on Tuesday...hopefully I will be better by then. If I'm not I'll just die. Again.
Am I being punished for something? I wasnt even in contact with anyone who had chicken pox....I just spent the last half hour trying to put a new layout onto my website. I was unsucessful. Lifes a bitch.