"Proud to be British" does not come to mind at the moment...

Aug 08, 2011 18:44

I watch the news and cannot believe the chaos that is currently happening in our capital city. The UK very rarely has news of great unrest in the country but watching the news at the moment I struggle to believe that I'm seeing footage of my own country.

Now, I'm not exactly a fan of the UK at the best of times but seeing this footage just makes me angry. I understand why it all started but did it really need to go to this extreme.

I just can't understand why people would want to do this. The other thing that makes me angry is the fact that one area has got £100 million in damages (so Ive been told) and people are now stealing from large businesses. I don't even want to think what our capital looks like at the moment to the rest of the world.


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