I think we're both dissatisfied with the results. I think the meme is broken. Atlas seems like a good result, Proteus just isn't much like me at all. And apparently I'm just an NPC and don't count.
No, I'm uh... well I don't know why I figured you already knew this, but I'm a mutant. I can do the whole "sonic blast from the mouth" thing. My whole power deals with sonic projection and my voice. I can manipulate it to shatter things, or fly, and there's of course making eardrums bleed. My father could do the same thing.
Well, my father and uncle were both mutants. I sort of guessed I would be one. But the day I yelled at my uncle and sent him practically through a wall, I knew something was up.
It usually manifests around puberty, but there's always exceptions. I know one person whose powers didn't show up until he was middle-aged, and there are some who've been a mutant since birth.
What makes you think you're a mutant? What can you do?
I don't know how long I've been able to do... stuff. I started noticing things not too long ago. Some of the things I paint, they're, well, not just paintings. I get these images in my head and sometimes they just seem so real that I have to give them an outlet. Remember that old Issue of 9th Wonders I gave you? On the cover was Nathan Petrelli, the politician guy. I had no idea who he was when I first drew the panel, I just thought it was someone I thought up. Now I see his face everywhere since it's election season and I can't help but compare it to the comic book I drew months ago. It's weird. I don't really know for sure what my own thoughts are anymore or if they're these... flashes? I don't know what to call it.
... You made that months ago? I figured that was new. A sort of political commentary, making a politician out to be a superhero of sorts. Are you sure you hadn't just, I don't know, seen him or read about him earlier and filed it away subconciously?
I'm not writing you off. Just offering another theory. Have you noticed anything else like that? Someone you drew that turned out to be a real person?
It was an old issue already. I have to submit my panels to the publisher weeks in advance so they can start the process of getting the things ready to sell. I know what I'm talking about.
It kind of does sound like you're writing me off. Nevermind. I shouldn't have said anything.
I'm just trying to figure this out. I need more examples. Drawing Nathan Petrelli without knowing who he is could mean anything. If I had more to go off of, maybe I could figure out what your mutation is. You have flashes of images? Are they consistent? Do they have a theme? Are they random? Right now it could mean anything, but if you tell me more, maybe I can narrow it down. Don't shut me out.
I see things, Theresa and I'm not making this shit up! You're talking about themes like I'm supposed to be writing an damn essay for you. Here's another one: you know those random car accidents that you see on the news that are conveniently passed over? I see some of them. I know exactly at what intersection the thing Is going to happen. It's so common that I have pages and pages of that sort of thing. Remember when we went for pizza? I never actually counted the pepperonis but I knew there were going to be thirty one. You know why? Because I saw that too before I met you. I bet you're going to think I'm some nutjob or that I'm a crazy talker at this point but I know what I see in my head.
I don't think you're a nutjob. Or a crazy stalker.
I believe you. Yes, what you're saying sounds strange, but I have a friend who can control gravity. And another who manipulates fire. I'm used to strange. I'm sorry I sounded skeptical.
It's not something I've heard of before, drawing future events. But I'm no expert. This is a sort of thing that can easily be written off as coincidence, you have to understand why I went there first. But no one would intentionally set themself apart like this if they were making the whole thing up. Well, maybe some people would. But you wouldn't.
So I wasn't good enough to stand out in the cool kids' club? Thanks.
I don't just draw them. I see them in my head, but the images in my head don't go away until I give them a visual of some sort. I can't turn it on and off. Just sometimes I go into these... they feel like trances... and I don't know what's going on around me. Sometimes I come to and one of my canvasses will be covered in a depiction that I don't even remember working on, or sometimes I'll just see the thing, whatever it is and get out my sketchbook to draw what I can remember. If I could be more exact with you, I would.
Re: lockedsiryn_songSeptember 19 2008, 14:38:57 UTC
That was NOT what I meant. What I meant was I understand weird things. People being able to DO weird things. I get it. I understand.
It sounds like you do have a gift. A power, a mutation, whatever you want to call it. Like a precognition, but maybe it manifested itself that way because you're so artistic. Instead of just seeing things, you draw or paint them.
It sounds like it would be scary, depending on what you see. I mean, I'm sure some things are mundane, like 31 pepperonis. But the car crashes as such. Have you ever tried to prevent any of them? Of course, it's hard to know if it's a prediction (a precognition, a "future painting", whatever) until after its happened.
I know someone who can do tests, and find out for sure that what you have is a mutation. I don't know if that's something you want to do. Or if you want to do anything at all. What can I do?
I think we're both dissatisfied with the results. I think the meme is broken. Atlas seems like a good result, Proteus just isn't much like me at all. And apparently I'm just an NPC and don't count.
You totally count.
OOC: Stupid LJ is not sending me notifs again!!!
Not if I'm an NPC. Stupid thing.
Ignore it. You're not an NPC. You're totally... PC. Er, yeah.
Don't act like that didn't make sense!
I'm a raving naked hippie who paints for living. I don't think that's considered PC.
Watch me pretend!
I, um, think I might be one too. How can you tell?
Well, my father and uncle were both mutants. I sort of guessed I would be one. But the day I yelled at my uncle and sent him practically through a wall, I knew something was up.
It usually manifests around puberty, but there's always exceptions. I know one person whose powers didn't show up until he was middle-aged, and there are some who've been a mutant since birth.
What makes you think you're a mutant? What can you do?
I'm not writing you off. Just offering another theory. Have you noticed anything else like that? Someone you drew that turned out to be a real person?
It kind of does sound like you're writing me off. Nevermind. I shouldn't have said anything.
I'm just trying to figure this out. I need more examples. Drawing Nathan Petrelli without knowing who he is could mean anything. If I had more to go off of, maybe I could figure out what your mutation is. You have flashes of images? Are they consistent? Do they have a theme? Are they random? Right now it could mean anything, but if you tell me more, maybe I can narrow it down. Don't shut me out.
I believe you. Yes, what you're saying sounds strange, but I have a friend who can control gravity. And another who manipulates fire. I'm used to strange. I'm sorry I sounded skeptical.
It's not something I've heard of before, drawing future events. But I'm no expert. This is a sort of thing that can easily be written off as coincidence, you have to understand why I went there first. But no one would intentionally set themself apart like this if they were making the whole thing up. Well, maybe some people would. But you wouldn't.
I don't just draw them. I see them in my head, but the images in my head don't go away until I give them a visual of some sort. I can't turn it on and off. Just sometimes I go into these... they feel like trances... and I don't know what's going on around me. Sometimes I come to and one of my canvasses will be covered in a depiction that I don't even remember working on, or sometimes I'll just see the thing, whatever it is and get out my sketchbook to draw what I can remember. If I could be more exact with you, I would.
It sounds like you do have a gift. A power, a mutation, whatever you want to call it. Like a precognition, but maybe it manifested itself that way because you're so artistic. Instead of just seeing things, you draw or paint them.
It sounds like it would be scary, depending on what you see. I mean, I'm sure some things are mundane, like 31 pepperonis. But the car crashes as such. Have you ever tried to prevent any of them? Of course, it's hard to know if it's a prediction (a precognition, a "future painting", whatever) until after its happened.
I know someone who can do tests, and find out for sure that what you have is a mutation. I don't know if that's something you want to do. Or if you want to do anything at all. What can I do?
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