Nov 04, 2010 17:24
What!? I haven't updated this community in.... *counts fingers*
o.k. a long time I know m(_ _ )m (I've been sitting outside the Gaze-LJ scene for a while because of school and work and all that fun stuff ><;; )
I'm pretty sure all of you know already that the mobile blog was discontinued, shut down for who knows what reason. Anyway it's either that, or I can't access it from my computer anymore ><;;;;
Anyway, I mentioned an even longer time ago, back when I started translating the mobile blog posts. That I managed to dig into the depths of the interwebs to find the old Ameba blog posts. So as promised (now that I have nothing really to translate in terms of Gazette blogs) I'm going to start translating those. Mind you some are written in both Japanese and English, so in that case I will only post the English half of the post lol.
So...yep, that's something you can look forward to from me I guess oho.
On a side note though, I never realized the Ameba blog posts go as far back as 2006 o___o wow
mod post