Oct 30, 2005 19:15
With so much going soo well-I hav just had one hell of a week. Literally it was hell.
Failed my women's studies miderm after morgan and i completely shut off ourselves from everyone and everything to study for that damn thing ALL day. We were told to study the extremely lengthy review and have a good knowledge of the "general overview" of things. General overview my ass!!! Nothing from the goddamn review was on the test and it was specific as hell-dates, percentages,statistics = BULLSHIT. ARRRGH!! WHat a waste of time studying so fucking much for that thing.
Worked the Brooks and Dunn concert yesterday and caught so much hell from drunk asshole rednecks that I almost broke down and cried. People are assholes and incredibly fucking rude. We can only work so fast and I really dont give a damn if we sold out of the t-shirt you wanted before you drug your drunk ass up to our booth! Crazy ass people were actaully fighting with each other of the last of every shirt. We ran out of everything-absolutely insane. Not to mention it was in the 40'S and so goddamn cold that it hurt. I couldn't feel anything by the end of the night .I have never wanted the world to end and everyone in it to disappear sooo much in my life. It takes an awful lot to get me that pissed but these fucking hicks pulled it off. Fuck all of you.
Not to mention Two big exams this week and a huge paper for tomorrow morning.
Then Dan calls tonight. Starts really good and he is excellent at making me feel better. Tells me how he is coming to Tampa this whole weekend and has all these plans. And also about how he should be moving back here this summer. And about how he is moving out of his house in December so I can actually go up there and spend time with him without his parents keeping us in separate rooms. Good right? Well then the fucking kicker comes in. He is moving in with the ONE friend I do not like. Jacki- the one girl who pissed me off so bad on labor day. The one who was ALL over him. The one who kept alluding to how bad she wanted his nuts. GREAT! I AM SO GODDAMN THRILLED CAN YOU NOT TELL?!?!?!? I'm just being a baby about it right now, but given his past can you really blame me?