I hate goodbyes...

Dec 10, 2004 11:25

Yesterday I finally said goodbye to a friend of mine who will not be returning for school with us in the spring. It didn't go how I had expected it to (mainly because his damn girlfriend was there). I had planned out exactly what I wanted to say but the words just never came. At least I didn't do anything dumb like cry in front of him-I am glad for that at least. I just don't understand why I am so upset about it- by all accounts there are at least three people who should be more upset than me. I just keep telling myself that I can go see him... that he doesn't live that far away. But it won't be the same as being able to see him everyday whenever I feel like walking over. I will miss that. It realy sucks that the two of us haven't been that close lately, I wish I could have fixed things or at least tried to talk about what happened- but it is soo much easier to just let things slip by. I will miss him sooo much. I have never quite felt like this about soemone before and I hate it so much because there is not a damn thing I can do about it.
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