Oct 22, 2004 22:09
This is in no way a retraction to what I said in my last entry, but things are better now I suppose.
I finally realized that I need to stop concerning myself so much with everyone else and spend a little time focusing on myself. I need to stop worrying about the assholes I know and start having fun with my friends again. And I intend to. Last night Morgan took me out and I'm going to a party tonight. It's nice to hang out with good people for awhile. My car is working again and my mom came and took my sis and I out to dinner so that helped a lot. Sometimes a girl just needs her mom when things feel like they are falling apart. I just plan on saying fuck you to all those people who feel the need to make my life more difficult and I definately have a new outlook on things. I'm tired of being so damn nice to everyone all the time even when they don't deserve it. It sucks when life does this to you... no more putting on a good face for the sake of everyone else- I'm going to start doing some things for the sake of ME.
Thankyou to those few friends of mine who have actually put me into a BETTER mood rather than a worse one.