Aug 24, 2005 20:37
Do you know what school means to me? It means that my favorite part of the day is now when I can (FINALLY) go to sleep. Not that I don't enjoy recreational sleeping at any time of any day but I really and genuinely am relieved to be able to go to bed. I've been asleep by no later than, like, 10:30 since school started.
I don't have any homework tonight (mirrracle) so I'm waiting to go to bed. I want to right now but it's way too early and I'd have a killer headache...
I promised myself that this year I would not wait in line at lunch because everyone groped me and cut in line last year and I hated it. Soooo, I've been making the effort and packing my lunch which is better anyway because I'm not spending money on junk every day, gaining 10 lbs a week, etc. Okay, so Ciara decided she was going to take my lunchbox this Monday and she left it in her Biology class... Oh man. Like yesterday with the line wasn't bad enough... Today I was looking for a raspberry iced tea again and I couldn't even SEE most of the refrigerator thingies and I finally found one but it meant standing in line behind freshmen that you could tell were idiots from across the cafeteria. Let me help you to understand what I mean with a little excerpt from their conversation:
Idiot Leader: "Haha, yeah, and I told her that she had just taken the boat off of whorebag island and I don't know, I guess she saw that as an OFFENSE... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
(the 3 of them shared one brain, so the names are more or less interchangeable)
Idiot groupie 1: "OH MAN DUDE! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Wow... Haha..."
Idiot groupie 2: "Hey yeah, like, maybe she should get back on the boat! Hahaha..." (this is the kid in social situations who always makes everyone get quiet because he's killed the joke and he's too dumb to realize it)
Idiot groupie 3: "Holy shit, that's funny. Hey, let that girl in so we can stare at her ass!" (yeah, he really said that)
And repeat on and on until I wanted to rip my ears off.
Here's what I'm thinking:
Devan's inner voice: "The only reason that you don't find this hilarious is because you're not a member of anyone's fanclub and you're secretly jealous and just no fun in general."
Devan: "Yeah, that's gotta be it."
Is it wrong that I hope there's no school on Friday?
Now that I'm thinking about it...I actually already have a headache. Mmmmmm. Bed it is then! I lurv ju and good night.