A is for age: Old, lets leave it at that.
B is for booze: I have some Fosters somewhere.
C is for career: Hmmm, get back to you on that.
D is for dad's name: Len.
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Decent cd's, most people listen to shit music.
F is for favorite song at the moment: She Will Only Bring You Happiness by mclusky.
G is for girlfriend: What's one of them? Females who are friends or do you mean something else...hmm.
H is for hometown: Bungay.
I is for instruments you play: Guitar, bass, harmonica and keyboard sort of.
J is for jam/jelly you like: Strawberry.
K is for kids: What am I supposed to say to that?
L is for living arrangements: Me and my brother, in a house, that we own.
M is for mom's name: Kathy.
N is for name of your best friend(s): I'll go for just the one, Sara.
O is for overnight hospital stays: Er..I can only think of one really. I stayed overnight when I had my knee fixed. I did also stay in overnight when I had my head smashed through a window but i'm not sure if waiting on a bed in a corridor all night counts as an overnight stay.
P is for phobias: Snakes and birds.
Q is for quote you like: "If I could be anyone, I'd be Dr. Doolittle and talk to the animals. We'd shoot some shit." - Frank Black
R is for relationship that lasted longest: Hmmm, about 9 months or something, impressive eh?
S is for sexual position: Fuck off, shitface.
T is for time you wake up: Weekdays - 7am, weekends - whenever.
U is for unique trait: Erm.. you need to ask someone else, I don't know.
V is for vegetable you love: Potatoes.
W is for worst trait: ask someone else, i'm bored of this now.
Y is for yummy food you make: I do great cheese on toast!
Z is for zodiac sign: Aquarius.
FIRSTS.. First job: Lab Technician. I was a scientist, oh yeah.
First screen name: DistantPixie, probably.
First funeral: My Aunts, I can't remember when it was.
First pet: Smokey, our cat.
First piercing: Don't plan on having any thanks.
First tattoo: I sometimes draw on myself with a pen, is that the same?
First credit card: When I got my first job I reckon.
First kiss: Lucy Knight.
First enemy: No idea.
First favorite musician: Slash.
Last car ride: Coming home from work, it passed without incident.
Last kiss: You don't know her. ;)
Last movie: I can't actually remember.
Last beverage drank: Fanta Orange.
Last food consumed: Pizza.
Last phone call: Dad.
Last time showered: Can't remember. I'm not filthy, we just have a bath and no shower.
Last CD played: My own little compilation thing that I put together.
Last website visited: Before this, www.wombatwombat.co.uk
Single or Taken: Singleton.
Sex: Depends who's asking.
Birthday: 25th January.
Sign: Aquarius.
Siblings: One brother.
Hair color: Blonde(ish).
Eye color: Green(ish) I think.
Shoe size: 9.
Height: 5ft 11.
Wearing: Jeans, Moby t-shirt with the little cartoony man from the "Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad?" video on the front and 'Little Idiot' written on the back. Plus socks, boxers and all that, obviously.
Drinking: Nothing.
Thinking about: My teeth.
Watching: Random stuff.
Listening to: Interpol on The Amp.