Dec 29, 2004 22:13
Yeah, i'm shit I know, I update this very rarely. It's all boring shite anyway, you're not missing much anyway.
First things first, we played a great gig at the Marquee in Norwich last thursday. We ended up headlining which was quite cool, Insaniac wanted to get pissed so they asked us if we'd swap slots with them, which we did, we were way more pissed than them by the end of the night though. Anyway, we played, we were fucking good even if I say so myself (video clip is on the website by the way, Sara posted some pics in her journal somewhere I think), we even got made to do an encore, that was quite cool. I can also say that it's the first time i've heard people singing along to one of our songs, it was a new one too, very odd but cool. I forgot to mention that the second band on were a cool band from France called Toms Huge Elevation, they done a great cover of Where Is My Mind? which was nice. I didn't chat to them afterwards, probably should've done but I was quite drunk by then and I wasn't sure if their english was good enough to understand a drunken Norfolk boy. I've been talking to the bass playing girly on MSN though and she thought we were really good, she even said we should play in France sometime so who knows, maybe I can get her to sort something out for us.
So, after that it was on to all the Christmas shit. I went over to my parents on Christmas Eve, they had people visiting and stuff so me and the brother went down to the pub, saw loads of people, some who I haven't seen in ages so that was quite cool. Ended up seeing a load of people from school who I absolutely hate, they're all freakish losers but nevermind. Yeah, so we got drunk and ended up going around a mates when the pub closed. There were loads of people around there, I think I only really knew about three of them, the house was pretty full because there was a bunch of Aussie girls there as well as all the local randoms. I think it was all pretty boring there but I can't remember, I do remember someone talking about licking arseholes though. Got home from there about 4am I think, we ran some of the way home because it was fucking cold (pointless information).
Christmas day was alright, just boring family stuff really. It was pretty cool to spend a few days at mum and dads though, I can get away with doing fuck all so it's nice. Presents and stuff, just the usual. Blah blah. I'm boring myself now.
Boxing day, er...did stuff probably.
And then we come (sort of) to last night. Yet another gig, yet another chance to get fucked off with the general public. I was in a shitty mood anyway because I have a cold, not ideal for trying to sing and stuff. I nearly passed out during one song, great fun. Anyway, said gig was really badly organised, this annoys me. I can't be arsed to go into details. So yeah, the public...I hate them, most of them anyway. They were all standing and watching the other bands, jumping about or whatever until we come on, then the little fuckwits all leave. I'd had some drink before we played again so I couldn't help making a few bitchy remarks to the crowd, I don't think it mattered, they'd made their mind up before they'd even heard us. Afterwards I really did wonder to myself whether it was really worth all the hassle. One person (one other than Sara and Hannah anyway) did actually come up to me and said she thought we were really good and that we deserved a better crowd so I guess that's something. The new stuff seems to be going down alright anyway, according to Sara Things, People And Stuff is "the best thing ever" so that's pretty cool haha.
After the gig me and Wayne went back to Alex's to get well and truly pissed, didn't take too long. I can't really remember what went on there but it must've been fun because we didn't get home until 5:30 this morning. I had quite a headache when I woke up this morning so I went back to bed until 3pm. Sad really isn't it?
I want to sing a song with frankie
And I'm a sick I'm sick and I'm sick