Sep 09, 2008 22:45
My professors at Davis are under the impression that they should give us as much busy work and little useless assignments as they can. So, they assign US things they think our students should do.
The result of one of these useless assignments is the following poem. It's based on a model, "I Am From," that is supposed to get students to explore their own background. I thought I'd give mine a test run here before turning it in in class :-/
Please don't click if you can't stand
“Now, or never”
I am from the top bunk
In a room not my own.
Looking from the space
behind the couch,
a hiding spot
so visible.
I am from pink walls
with posters plastered over.
And always from
and mac and cheese.
But never have too much.
I am from elm trees,
from sickening green.
Lime, diet coke, hot cocoa,
and everything that goes with.
From flights and travels
well worth the trips.
I am from sudden silence,
I am from 3:00am conversations
never to be repeated.
I am from it’s your decision,
we’ll make it work.
From questioning and
I am from
…but it’s alright if you are.
And pray for us sinners
now, or never.
I am from blisters
and bloody feet.
From bad rehearsals
make for good performances.
I am from hair back,
skin pulled tight.
From costumes needing to be altered.
I am from ovations, well-earned.
From work through the pain,
do it for the love.
I am from a single missed performance.
I am from Ramona,
her scrutiny and love.
From home-made jam
so sweet
it takes two days to make.
From I expected more from you
You can always try harder.
I am from Etta
sitting in her chair.
I am from trees never too tall
to climb, or try.
From a field, grass so high
I can’t see,
and no one else can
I am from a lake so cold at dawn.
From the chill and sudden
And if you really knew me,
You know that
That’s not all
I am from.