Aug 11, 2006 21:52
today was a pretty good day except like yesterday it had one major thing that sucked, instead of being shot it was getting a ticket today, which sucked a whole lot, i dont even have a permit or anything yet so do i have negative points or somethin? i got a ticket for drivin the 3wheeler with shari on the back with no helmit, he gave me like a traffic ticket like one youd get in a car, i didnt even think you could get a ticket on a atv , he starts askin me if i have my license and stuff which i dont, i still dont understand what licence this could effect cause they can revoke the living crap outta my atv licence that doesnt exist cuase ill still ride, but i dont think it should carry over to driving license cuase there 2 different things
ughh anyway i gota go down to town hall on the 24th now
he chased me down the bike path i didnt even know he was behind me, well i kinda did, to bad it wasnt trooper chris and not a douche bag
im outy