May 30, 2006 13:06
whats up bitches
today was probly the best of the weekend so far, i woke up ate cerial and then flew a plane, yea i flew a plane! it was awesome as hell, i went with my dad and his friend and i sat in the co-piolt seat and i got to fly the entire time besides take off, i flew over the school, the library, circled around my house and then flew to fort niagra, then i did a touch n go, then a real landing, it was so cool, the island looks completely different from 5,000 feet up, i could see people on the golf course and they looked like ants, everything was so small, the landing was a little scary cuase you have to go like right at the ground but i got it down
this morning i woke up with only one retainer in my mouth, and i had no idea where my top one was, i looked all around my bed and everything and i couldnt find it, i was scared i ate it or something, but i started looking in my shelfs for some reason and it was in the back of my shelfs i have no idea how it got over there i musta been sleep walkin
umm i dunno what im doin the rest of the day i might chill with tory?
fuck school tommorow blahh
my stomach still feels a little weird from flying, but holy hell it was awesome i FLEW an airplane
im out