Jun 01, 2004 10:51
where i come from, and you know
i'm not one, for complaining
but i love the way you roll
excuses off the tip of your tounge
as i slowly, quietly, slowly fall apart..
wow, its been quite a few days since i have updated last. i apologize to all you that have nothing better to do but read my journals. (haha, just kidding)
well, nothing too terribly interesting has happened lately. i mean, yes, school did end thursday, and yes i am incredibly happy about that. i went to eat with the kids from school, and then to the beach with bradley, laura, emily, sarah quinn, some of brad's friends, and scott. we just chilled out on the beach. i rode with scott, and we talked about all the stuff that had really been keeping us from being friends. so, i feel like i have another best friend again. it was a lot of fun and a good way to end the school year. friday, our band practiced sans lance, plus my friend brett filled in on the bass. practice went all right, but then me, brett, and aidan went to bradleys to chill. chris, CHASE (was very suprised to see him there), matt, and justin came and chilled with us, along with kelly, jon, emily, and a few others. it was a fun night.
saturday was the show, and it went horrible. neither us nor faking forever sounded too well, i got pretty upset about it. but its all good, i just know our band's potential and we didnt really fulfill it that night. then after the show, me and matt stuck around and were talking with the beautiful blonde that works at common grounds. we were supposed to go back to brads, but my parents made me come home, becuz we were leaving for lake charles in the morning.
sunday and yesterday i was with my family in lousiana. it was pretty depressing, and id rather not talk about it. lets just say im glad im in the position i am financially, becuz where my great uncle lives is just, bad. last nite i chilled with brad, jones, laura, emily, ashley, sq, and then zimmie and stefan came by and i left with them cuz brad had to work today. we went over to matts, and chilled with him for a few, and then we left.
today i am collecting money from people. and then, me and matt are going to common grounds, and after that im not sure what we will do.