yeah, its been awhile. i apologize.
the last week was incredibly hectic. from final reviews to dodging my principal so i wouldnt have to cut my hair, i am completely worn out and ready for the end of school. only four half days of finals are ahead of me, and i am more than apprehensive about being done. this weekend was less than eventful, ive basically studied all weekend for finals. well, thats a lie. ive enjoyed myself a little bit. friday night i went to bradley michael's for the night, and hung out with him, laura, brad's cousin kelly & her friend, emily, cheryl (brad's mom), and zimmie. it was quite fun. then on saturday i studied for most of the day, and then went to brad's lil brother jake's bday party. we hung out there, and that was about it. today ive studied and then dad took me to chipotle for compensation for friday night. good burritos.
next weekend! i cant wait. number 1, ill be out of school. number 2, im getting my ears pierced again. number 3, my show is saturday at common grounds, and its going to be way too much fun. the only bad thing is this sunday i've got to go to lake charles to visit my dying great uncle. i wont be back until monday. death depresses me. but hopefully ill be able to be cool about it.
and yes, brad, one day i will be brandon boyd.
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