
Mar 03, 2010 20:44

-Hello and Welcome to my new friends!!

I’m only watching 4 shows this year, and somehow I’m behind on 3 of them.  Technically, I’m behind on all 4, but luckily The Vampire Diaries does not require watching every episode to know what’s going on.  Although by that standard, neither does Life Unexpected since they every previous episode before the new one begins.  But I have caught up on Life Unexpected -

I really like this show. Every episode makes me want to cry and makes me feel old all at the same time.  I’m sure if this were seven years ago, I would be on Lux’s side more often, but mostly I just think she’s a brat.  A brat who owns her mistakes (I like her, I really do), I just feel bad for Cate a lot of times in their relationship.  Now, Cate is not my favorite.  I like that I understand her and why she does the things she does, but I disagree with her decisions and her view on things a lot.

I’m meant to like Baze, and I do, despite how childish and irresponsible he is.  I’m enjoying watching his growth.  As well as his hot friend, Jamie.  Reggie Austin is a good looking man.

Speaking of good looking men, I wish they hadn’t made Bug such an ass because I love Rafi Gavron and I wanted him to stick around longer.  And Jones reminds me of Troy from Hex, in looks as well as characterization.

Overall, I really like this show, and I hope the CW gives it a chance.  If Smallville and One Tree Hill can make it this far, then this show at least deserves a second season.

Real life is going a little half and half.  My private care client decided to switch companies and I’ve switched with her, which has its benefits (higher pay) but also its cons (no longer getting a paycheck every week, I’ll have to wait at least three weeks before I get a substantial one).  Now this might all be a moot point since there is a possible promotional opportunity in my future at my other job.  This would be a 9 to 5 situation, and full time, but it’s no guarantee.  I want it, though, if it happens.  I want it so bad.

Speaking of, one the clients at the other job (I need to assign these things code names if I’m going to be talking about them often) has a cat that was recently diagnosed with diabetes and my first thought was, of course! Like Nick!  He had lost so much weight in a short period of time and become temperamental!  Why didn’t I see it?

Yeah.  That wouldn’t be so bad, if I didn’t know (actually see on a regular basis know) 4 people with diabetes.  This fandom, man.

Speaking of fandom things, I think I’m going to try to write every day this month (starting tonight or tomorrow).  I have an RPF for viennawaits  that I’m going to post probably tomorrow, and I’m still working on the Kevin/Zac vampire thing I mentioned, but I’ve got so many ideas bouncing around my head, but I never take the time to put them down anywhere.

*subject line refers to contestants on American Idol

life unexpected, creative juices (they are a-flowing), 2010

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