...Matt Saracen was WHAT on SVU? oh my God. Okay, that is one episode of SVU that I can never, ever watch, otherwise my brain might really break for good. No.
viennawaits and I started watching FNL, and she kept saying she knew him from somewhere, and I threw out that he was probably on an L&O or something, because everyone's been on at least a couple of those. And we kept trying to figure out which one, and neither of us wanted to admit that maybe he had been one of the bad guys, but then that episode came on.
I remember looking it up on imdb, and then the episode came on within, like, 48 hours or something and we were both very, very sad.
He plays the captain of a rugby team, which kind of makes it worse because that imagery matches up way too well with how he looks as Matt, you know?
I know that practically everyone has been on one of the Law and Orders by this point (saw Gaius Charles on an episode a while ago) but omg, Matt Saracen as a rapist/murderer, OMG, NO.
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I remember looking it up on imdb, and then the episode came on within, like, 48 hours or something and we were both very, very sad.
He plays the captain of a rugby team, which kind of makes it worse because that imagery matches up way too well with how he looks as Matt, you know?
And he's so sweet and sincere until the moment he has no choice, you know?
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