- I started a community for my fics:
quiet_thecliche, but don't go there yet because there is literally nothing to see. I'm intent on making the first fic I post there the jake/peyton fic I've promised
viennawaits, one of five. The only problem with that is I really want to write that max/jude fic i promised her, partly because it's an excuse to buy Across the Universe on DVD, and partly because I just really want to write something with Jim Sturgess in it.
viennawaits thinks that I will do this anyway, by way of the Jim Sturgess/Natalie Portman prompt she gave me, but I refuse. The Other Boleyn Girl managed to make me ship them and be disgusted by them in a matter of an hour and 54 minutes. It will not happen. You will get your Anne Hathaway/Chris Evans fic, Titi!
So, the order of things goes:
Jake/Peyton (One Tree Hill)
Max/Jude (Across the Universe)
maybe Dan/Blair (Gossip Girl)
Anne/Chris (real people)
Carrie/Aidan (Sex and the City)
And maybe, if I really like the fics you write for me, I'll be able to pull out something with Jim and Natalie, but I'm making no promises. - I've been feeling really happy this week - a result of the vacation from my life, I suspect - but history has taught me that this kind of happiness does not last for long. And research has taught me that the cause of my future unhappiness may result from the inability to take the classes I need to graduate in the summer. Which, I swear, will result in my not getting a degree because I can't do this shit for much longer.
I'm off to read more Max/Jude fic. It makes me happy.